EAL - English as an Additional Language

At Bourne School, 49% of our pupils are EAL and among our school community, we currently speak 37 different languages. With this is mind, it is extremely important to us that we have whole school EAL approach where all pupils feel valued and are able to access the curriculum.
We aim for our school to be a language rich learning environment, which is inclusive to all and challenges pupils to achieve their maximum potential. At Bourne, our intention is to offer the most effective provision needed to ensure our EAL pupils make rapid progress across all areas of the curriculum.
The National Curriculum states that: “The ability of pupils for whom English is an additional language to take part in the national curriculum may be in advance of their communication skills in English. Teachers should plan teaching opportunities to help pupils develop their English and should aim to provide the support pupils need to take part in all subjects.” To this end, we encourage the use of first language to improve access to the curriculum and support understanding
We work hard to develop good relationships between the school, parents/carers and the community to promote cohesion and to show that we are proud of our diversity.
On arrival at Bourne, EAL pupils are:
- Welcomed by staff and given a buddy or buddies to support their settling in period
- Given a communication fan and a pack with basic vocabulary so they are able to communicate their feelings and needs
- Shown around the school so they know their way around and know where to find things
- Assessed to find out their level of English so that the correct support package and resources are put in place for them
- Referred to the EAL service for extra support with a Bilingual Support Officer if it would be of benefit. The BSO not only offers support in first language to the child in school, but is also a crucial link to the family
We also try to find out as much information as possible about their background and past experiences, so we are better placed to offer the pupil the best possible support for their requirements. Staff have regular training to share ideas and good practice to ensure inclusivity in the classroom for all pupils.
Class teachers are responsible for the progress of the EAL pupils in their class. Class teachers monitor progress and, where appropriate, ensure that the pupil is receiving any extra intervention and support that is required with specialist EAL staff in order for the pupil to achieve their potential. Pupils are assessed using Pixl, with their attainment recorded on Otrack, to identify any possible gaps. The use of targeted teaching and interventions therefore means that these weaknesses are addressed.
We are proud of our diverse school community. We have regular opportunities to allow parents and carers to develop a support network and give them time to ask questions and to better understand school activities. We offer visits around the local environment for our EAL families, showing them what is available in the community for example the local art gallery and supporting them to join the library.
We have a group of pupil ambassadors at the school who support new children to make them feel more welcome and offer assistance and friendship. In addition to this, we have a group of supportive parents who are happy to be a point of contact for new families.