New Reception Children
East Sussex County Council admits children to school who are four years old by the end of August before the commencement of the school year.
For children starting Reception in September, Bourne Primary School provides the following:
Summer term before September start:
- A parents/carers meeting for to discuss ways in which the children's start at school can be as happy and positive as possible.
- Two play visits towards the end of the summer term to enable children to meet their new teachers in their classrooms and become familiar with the school layout.
Early September before child's start date:
- A home visit by the teacher and teaching assistant to meet the parent/carer and child on an individual basis.
In September, following the home visits, the new Reception children are admitted over several days so that the children can be received gradually into a settled environment. Parents/carers are encouraged to try and leave the children as soon as possible to help them get into the classroom routines. If a child has particular difficulties in settling, their teacher would make specific arrangements with you to support you and your child.
If you have any further questions please contact the school office or you can find out more about starting at Bourne in the documents below.