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Attendance Newsletters



Holiday in Term Time

As a school we cannot authorise holidays in term time, unless there are exceptional circumstances.  If you are planning a holiday in term time please write to the Headteacher to ask for permission. They will then write to you with their decision. Please remember unless there are exceptional circumstances it is very unlikely that we can authorise the absence from school during term time.

If the request for absence during term time has been declined and you still decide to take your child out of school then you will receive a fixed penalty notice from East Sussex County Council.



Fixed penalty notices

The fixed penalty for going on holiday in term time is £60 per child per parent, e.g. Mum & Dad take their two children on unauthorised holiday in term time = £240 fine. If this fine is not paid within 21 days it then increases to £120 per child per parent. If the fine still is not paid then the local authority will seek prosecution for non-payment under caution.

In the event of parents who have separated. The parent/carer with whom the child lives will be fined.

Please note that money from fines is not paid to the school.


Timekeeping is also important in the education of your child. If your child is persistently late then they are missing out on important learning opportunities at the start of the lesson.

Positive Consequences of Good Attendance

At Bourne there are positive consequences for regular attendance.  In school we celebrate good attendance in weekly Attendance Assemblies, where the classes with the highest attendance for the previous week are awarded the Attendance Cups and extra time on our climbing frame and outside gym. 

In addition, we plan a number of positives consequences for pupils with good attendance.  These happen throughout the year so that every child has the opportunity to be involved. 

Positive Consequences
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