PSHE - The Subject Story
To build a PSHE & RSE curriculum which develops prior learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills which enables children to access the wider curriculum and to prepare children to be global citizens now and in their future roles within a global community. To incorporate the understanding of RSE which enables all children to be safe and to understand and develop healthy relationships both now and in the future.
To design a curriculum with appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding to fulfil the duties of the NC whereby schools must provide a ‘balanced and broadly-based curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepares them for the opportunities and response. To design, and resource, an RSE programme of work within the PSHE curriculum which enables pupils to explore the complexity of the relationships they will have both now and throughout their lives.
Bourne’s PSHE and RSE curriculum has been designed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum whilst also meeting the needs and requirements of the children. A spiral curriculum approach has been adopted to ensure skills and knowledge are built upon each year. The PSHE leads have created skills and vocabulary progression grids that run across the key stages. These have been matched against the comprehensive scheme of work for the staff to follow. Each topic area has an overview and then a list of suggested teaching points to explore within the classroom environment. Teachers are encouraged to use their knowledge of the children to adapt and personalise the PSHE programme for the children in their classes. Teachers plan for weekly PSHE lessons as well as being encouraged and supported to have the flexibility to ensure PSHE is present in many areas of study.
‘To allow teachers the flexibility to deliver high-quality PSHE we consider it unnecessary to provide new standardised frameworks or programmes of study. PSHE can encompass many areas of study. Teachers are best placed to understand the needs of their pupils and do not need additional central prescription’ National Curriculum
A clear and comprehensive scheme of work was created by the PSHE and RSE leaders in line with the National Curriculum and the needs of the children. EYFS teaches and develops all children’s Personal, Social and Emotional Development in line with Development Matters. This makes up part of the EYFS prime areas which “are fundamental, work together, and move through to support development in all other areas.” (Development Matters 2012)
The school curriculum will focus on six core learning themes: Me and my school Community, Bullying & behaviour, Healthy relationships (SRE), The big wide world & money matters, Diversity & Inclusion, Living a safe and happy life (including transitions). The Scheme of work also includes opportunities to link British Values, SMSC and schools Key skills into the curriculum. The scheme of work is designed to provide opportunities that challenge and stretch pupils through questioning, problem solving and different roles to take on in discussions and activities.
“However, while we believe that it is for schools to tailor their local PSHE programme to reflect the needs of their pupils, we expect schools to use their PSHE education programme to equip pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions.” National Curriculum
Teachers create Knowledge Mats for each Big Question and these allow children to have access to key knowledge, language and meanings in order to understand PSHE and to use across the wider curriculum. These are then sent home to parents to support learning at home. Parents are informed by letter of the content of the RSE programme of work before any RSE is taught and invited into school to view materials used and ask questions before their child takes part in the lessons, Key Stage and Class assemblies always make a link to PSHE, British Values and SMSC.
All teachers plan for dedicated and timetabled PSHE sessions each week and Mindfulness and Mental Health is a prominent area of need. Teachers are expected to have daily mindfulness sessions with their classes that are flexible and meet the needs of the class.
“There is a clear need for a proactive approach to preparing pupils — not just responding when safeguarding issues arise, but instead equipping all pupils for some of the most complex decisions they will have to make. Schools need leaders who support PSHE education, with an understanding of its value and role in children and young people’s lives, as well as knowing what best practice looks like in order to encourage it.” PSHE Association
All children at Bourne will develop positive and healthy relationships with their peers both now and in the future. They will understand the importance of their own mental health. Staff and children will be taught a range of strategies to support their mental health and wellbeing. Where appropriate some staff and children will model how to use some of the strategies that have been taught to help others in this area. Staff have been trained in the therapeutic think approach and this is to be used consistently throughout the school.
Children will demonstrate and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty. Children will demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school and the wider community. Children will understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level. They will have respect for themselves and others and learn about positive body images.
Teachers currently assess pupils understanding at the beginning and end of each PSHE and RSE topic. ‘Cold tasks’ are set before the start of a new PSHE topic and teachers use this information to inform future learning and initial misconceptions, this ensures the learning is tailored to the children rather than repeating what they already know. Cold tasks are recorded on paper and revisited and polished at the end of a topic with a different colour pen to show the learning that has taken place.
Assessments to inform future learning is used by looking at the cold tasks to fill in gaps and misconceptions rather than repeating what is already known. Teachers are required to provide the PSHE leads with evidence of work that has taken place during each topic, this allows the PSHE leads to monitor the children’s learning and the impact of the PSHE programme. Formal recording of PSHE data is being trialled through the use of double-page spreads and Otrack.